Monday, March 23, 2015

Cinnamon Bundt Cake

Cinnamon Bundt Cake

 I love all sweets, but my favorite flavor combination is cinnamon-sugar. Give me a snickerdoodle over a chocolate chip cookie any day! The cake this week has everything I love….cinnamon, nuts, along with other ingredients I always have on hand. Plus it is super easy and is great from the freezer so you can keep secret slices hidden for future treats.

This recipe was written on a card with my mom’s name but I am pretty sure I wrote the card. First, it is in my loopy handwriting.  Second, her recipes were usually vague and she could make them without knowing exact details. This recipe says “beat for 8 minutes” and “cool exactly 8 minutes…”  

This doesn't sound like Mom but an annoying kid who couldn't accept the word “about.”  A kid who needed to know exactly what kind… how much…. and for how long. It would drive me crazy when she would say, “Just dump some in.”

Luckily, I pestered her so much she gave up and told me baking times and measurements for many of her recipes.

If your mom is still alive, get those measurements so you will have her recipes to cherish when she is no longer with you.  If you are the one guessing and dumping, start measuring and writing things down so you can live on through your recipes.

Cinnamon Bundt Cake
Skill Level: Easy and Quick
Cake Ingredients:
1 box
Yellow Cake Mix
1 pkg.
Instant Vanilla Pudding Mix (4 serving size)
½ c.
Crisco Oil (any vegetable oil will work)
½ c.
Melted Butter
½ c.
2 tsp.
Vanilla or butter extract
Streusel Ingredients:
¼ c.
¼ c.
Brown Sugar
2 tsp.
3/4 c.
Pecans- chopped (save some to sprinkle on the finished cake)
Glaze Ingredients
1 c.
Powdered Sugar
Butter (softened)
1 tsp.
Milk (just enough so glaze runs slowly from the spoon)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray a bundt pan with nonstick spray. Dump cake mix, pudding mix, oil, butter, water and vanilla into a bowl and mix until smooth. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each one. Continue beating 8 more minutes adding the vanilla toward the end. Put half the batter in the bundt pan, sprinkle with the combined streusel ingredients then with the rest of the batter. Move a butter knife slowly through the batter to swirl the filling.  Bake for 35-45 minutes until a toothpick comes out clean. Cool exactly 8 minutes and turn out onto a cake plate. Mix glaze ingredients and drizzle over warm cake.

Source: Mom’s Recipe Box

1 comment:

  1. Another one of my favorites from my mom & Grandma :) This is now one of Ben's favorites as well. This cake with a cup of coffee brings me back to the kitchen table at the farm!
